The temperate B. subtilis bacteriophage .vphi.3T contains within its genome a locus, designated thyP3, that encodes for a protein with thymidylate synthetase activity. Bacteriophage .vphi.3T is different from the 2 previously characterized temperate phages .vphi.105 and SPO2 in heteroimmunity, response to bacteriophage antisera, endonuclease digestion pattern, induction in the presence of 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil and effect on the lytic cycle of bacteriophage .vphi.1. The mean burst size of .vphi.3T is 56. The dose response curve with bacteriophage .vphi.3T DNA is linear for transfection and transformation to the Thy+ phenotype. The inserted prophage was mapped by [phage] PBS1 transduction; it is between chromosomal markers ilvA8 and gltA in the terminus of the chromosome. Thus thyP3 maps at a site separate from, but between, the bacterial markers thyA and thyB when thyP3 is in the prophage state.