To improve understanding of microvascular O2 transport, theoretical modeling has been pursued for many years. The large number of studies in this area attests to the complexities (i.e., biochemical, structural, and hemodynamic) involved. This article focuses on theoretical studies from the last two decades and, in particular, on models of O2 transport to tissue by discrete microvessels. A brief discussion of intravascular O2 transport is first given, highlighting the physiological importance of intravascular resistance to blood‐tissue O2 transfer. This is followed by a description of the Krogh tissue cylinder model of O2 transport by a single capillary, which is shown to remain relevant in modified forms that relax many of the original biophysical assumptions. However, there are many geometric and hemodynamic complexities that require the consideration of microvascular arrays and networks. Multivessel models are discussed that have shown the physiological importance of heterogeneities in vessel spacing, O2 supply, red blood cell flow path, as well as interactions between capillaries and arterioles. These realistic models require sophisticated methods for solving the governing partial differential equations, and a range of solution techniques are described. Finally, the issue of experimental validation of microvascular O2 delivery models is discussed, and new directions in O2 transport modeling are outlined.