Higgs-boson production from decays of the fourth-generationbquark

In a scenario in which the fourth-generation b quark is lighter than mt+MW, flavor-changing neutral-current bb transitions could be substantial. In particular, the decay bbH could be dominant or comparable to the processes bceν¯ and/or bbZ for a wide range of the parameters mb, mt, mt, MH, Vcb, and Vtb. For bb¯ pairs the latter decays could provide valuable leptonic tags for Higgs-boson production that is especially useful in hadronic colliders for a Higgs boson in the intermediate-mass range MZ<MH<2MW. If bbγ is observed then the strict limit MH>mbmb is implied for mb<MZ. We study the singularities exhibited by the effective flavor-changing neutral-current vertex bbH and identify them as anomalous thresholds. Experimental prospects are discussed.