Developing triticale, wheat and rye grains were studied from 6 to 42 days postanthesis with respect to levels of sucrose and sucrose synthase activity. These were compared with levels of glucose and hexokinase activity as well as changes in dry weight and water content. Dry matter accumulation was linear in all cultivars and ceased at 26–34 days postanthesis, depending on the cultivar. Sucrose synthase activity was low in all tested cultivars at 3 days postanthesis and increased to near maximum levels by 15 days postanthesis. With the exception of triticale 6A190, maximum sucrose synthase activities were approximately 12 m units per seed and did not vary between cultivars. Triticale 6A190 had a maximum sucrose synthase activity of 16.5 m units per seed which occurred at about 21 days postanthesis. Sucrose synthase activity declined at maturity. Sucrose levels varied throughout kernel development. The extent of the variation differed amongst the tested cultivars. Triticale 6A190 had large fluctuations in sucrose level. Sucrose content changed from 1 mg per seed at day 12 to less than 0.1 mg/seed at day 18 to greater than 1 mg per seed at day 28. Hexokinase activity increased throughout kernel development with no substantial decline of activity at maturity. Glucose levels were highest during early kernel development and declined toward maturity. The variations in sucrose and sucrose synthase in triticale 6A190 suggest a malfunction in the metabolism of the line during kernel development. No direct relationship could be established, however, between these abnormalities and kernel shrivelling in 6A190.Key words: Sucrose, sucrose synthase, kernel development, triticale, wheat, rye, hexokinase

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