The effects of rates of application and sources of nitrogen on nitrate concentration in oat forage

A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 1972–73 and 1973–74 to study the effects of rates of application (0, 100, 200 kg ha−1) and sources of nitrogen (ammonium sulphate, calcium ammonium nitrate, urea, sulphur‐coated urea and sulpha‐thiazole‐treated urea) on nitrate‐N concentration in oat (Avena sativa L.) forage. N application increased the nitrate‐N concentration, the effects being more marked when the rate was increased from 100 to 200 kg ha−1 than when it was raised from 0 to 100 kg ha−1. The highest nitrate‐N concentration in the dry matter (> 0·16%) was obtained when calcium ammonium nitrate was applied at 200 kg ha−1 N. Sulphur‐coated urea gave the lowest nitrate‐N concentration. In one year treatment of urea with sulphathiazole reduced nitrate‐N concentration in oats forage.