Injns. of 2 mg. desoxycorticosterone acetate daily for 28 days completely inhibit the production of keto-steroids in the cells of the zona glomerulosa of the rat''s adrenal cortex. This suppression occurs both in intact and in hypo-physectomized rats. A reduction in the autofluorescence and in the Schiff reaction of the glomerulosal lipid is detectable after 7 days of treatment; by 12 days there is a further loss of both autofluorescence and the Schiff reaction, a reduction in the amt. of birefringence and a narrowing of the lipid band. This depletion of lipid from the glomerulosa is interpreted as a disuse atrophy produced by the exogenous supply of a hormone which can substitute for the normal products of this zone. A slight atrophy occurs also in the zona fascicu-lata following desoxycorticosterone injn. This should probably be attributed to the suppression of secretion of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone.