The resistance of four populations of slender foxtail from England to chlorotoluron, pendimethalin, and the methyl ester of diclofop was studied in whole-plant spray assays. Two populations showed cross-resistance to all three herbicides while a third showed resistance to chlorotoluron only. Resistance, although not absolute, was sufficient to cause substantial reductions in herbicide performance at recommended field doses. Resistant (Peldon) and susceptible (Rothamsted) populations also were assessed for resistance to six dinitroaniline herbicides in a petri dish test in which the effects on shoot development were measured. The degree of resistance of the Peldon population varied considerably among herbicides, with greatest resistance to pendimethalin, whereas sensitivity to ethalfluralin, isopropalin, and trifluralin was similar to that of the Rothamsted standard. Differential response to butralin and oryzalin was smaller than to pendimethalin. The large difference between populations in their response to pendimethalin and trifluralin was confirmed in a pot experiment.

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