Analysis of the course of differentiation of combinants between the presumptive prechordal plate (PcP) and presumptive ectoderm (PE) by time‐lapse filming showed that the PcP of early gastrulae has the capacity to induce mesoderm (notochord, muscle cells and migrating cells) in the PE. The mesoderm‐inducing capacity of the PcP decreases sharply during gastrulation. Following invagination in the mid‐gastrula, the PcP completely loses its mesoderm‐inducing capacity. This change also occurred when the PcP of the earliest gastrula was aged in vitro for 18 hr. This shows that the mesoderm‐inducing capacity of the PcP decreases autonomously with aging.PE transplanted into the presumptive trunk organizer region of the dorsal marginal zone of the earlist gastrula, became mesodermized within 12 hr. It is clear that this mesodermization of the transplanted PE is due to “tangential induction” from the PcP. The stepwise formation of the trunk organizer in Cynops pyrrhogaster is discussed in consideration of these results.

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