Autoantibodies to anti‐DNA with anti‐allotypic and anti‐idiotypic specificities in (NZB × NZW)F1 mice

The monoclonal A52 (IgG2b, x) anti‐DNA autoantibody represents a major cross‐ reactive idiotype in the murine and human autoimmune response to DNA. Examination of sera and purified IgG derived from (NZB × NZW)Fj mice showed that these mice develop an age‐dependent binding reactivity with the pure anti‐DNA IgG. Three monoclonal antibodies possessing this reactivity were prepared from unprimed female (NZB × NZW)F1 mice. One of these monoclonal antibodies appeared to be directed against allotypic determinants present in the NZB IgG2b the other two antibodies exhibited a marked preference for idiotypic determinants of the A52 IgG. The IgG anti‐allotype and anti‐idiotype activities in (NZB × NZW)Ft mice may, therefore, represent the products of a deregulated immune system and/or constitute the normal elements of a functional immune regulation system.