EndometriaI StromaI Sarcoma of Low‐grade Malignancy: Immunohistochemical and Three‐dimensional Reconstruction Study with Special Emphasis on the Inadequate Terminology of Endolymphatic Stromal Myosis

We report two cases of endometrial stromal sarcoma of low-grade malignancy (so-called endolymphatic stromal myosis) with special emphasis on the histogenesis and mode of invasion. The microscopic and immunohistochemical features of the tumor cells resembled those of endometrial stromal cells. A three-dimensional reconstruction study of the tumor disclosed that it grew by forming a horn- or crown-like structure between and along the vessels. The tumor then protruded into the vascular lumina with a covering of endothelial cells. Immunohistochemical study showed that the vascular system was not lymphatic but venous. We therefore think that "endolymphatic stromal myosis" is a misnomer.