Corneal Crystals in Multiple Myeloma

Bilateral crystal-like deposits in the clear cornea or in the cornea and conjunctiva have received renewed attention in recent years, since it has become known that this clinical picture can denote such serious systemic diseases as cystinosis and multiple myeloma. Whereas adequate information is available on appearance, composition, and diagnostic value of such crystals in these ocular tissues of children with cystinosis, the nature and significance of similar deposits in patients with multiple myeloma awaits clarification. The uncertainty of the medical diagnosis in earlier case reports, the small number of pertinent observations, and the lack of histological identification of the crystals indicate that further studies on patients with multiple myeloma are warranted.The patient described in this paper shares some of the features of the few previous cases and, thus, strengthens the diagnostic merit of the biomicroscopically visible signs. This patient also exhibits some changes which have not been recorded