Microinterferometry: three-dimensional reconstruction of surface microtopography for thin-film and wetting studies by reflection interference contrast microscopy (RICM)

We present an improved theory of image formation by reflection interference contrast microscopy (RICM) for structural studies of stratified films on planar substrates and propose a new theoretical approach to analyzing the surface profile of nonplanar films. We demonstrate the validity of the new approach by analyzing the fringe patterns of RICM images from wedge-shaped liquid films and spherical probes. By simulation of various scenarios, we study the effect of finite-aperture illumination and the shape of the nonplanar interface on the interference fringe pattern of RICM images. We show how the reconstruction of the microscopic topography of the sample from the fringe spacing is corrected by angular and curvature correction terms. We discuss the variation of the mean intensity of the fringe patterns and the decay in the fringe amplitude with increasing fringe order that is caused by nonplanar interfaces of different slope.