Oxygen Capacity and Affinity of Blood from Erythroblastotic Newborns

Difference between the hemoglobins of the fetus and the adult was first demonstrated by Körber in 18661and has been found in all species subsequently studied. Distinctions between the two hemoglobins have been demonstrated by several methods, particularly resistance to alkaline denaturation,2chemical structure,3immunological properties,4behavior of monomolecular layers,5and electrophoretic mobility.6 The oxygen dissociation curves were first investigated by Huggett7in 1927, who found that the curve of blood from the goat fetus "did not resemble the curves measured on the bloods of adults of other species, which might indicate the presence of an unusual form of hemoglobin." Barcroft and his co-workers8(1934) studied the degree of inflection and the position of curves from fetal and maternal blood in the goat at weekly intervals in the later stages of pregnancy. The dissociation curve of fetal blood not only lay to

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