Neoproterozoic, passive-margin, sedimentary systems of the Kanin Peninsula, and northern and central Timan, NW Russia

Neoproterozoic, slope-to-basin, lithostratigraphic successions are discontinuously exposed within the Timan Range, in NW Russia, NE of a faulted basinal margin that marks the outer edge of a former, fluvial to shallow-marine, pericratonic domain. The Mid to Late Riphean, deep-water depositional systems of the Kanin Peninsula, and northern and central Timan attain considerable thicknesses, up to 10 000 m in the case of Kanin Peninsula. Basements to these successions are nowhere exposed. Although the successions accumulated along a comparatively stable, passive margin of Baltica, there are notable differences in sedimentary facies from area to area. Whereas the successions in northern and central Timan preserve a record of relative stability, with sedimentation keeping pace with subsidence, the nearby Kanin succession shows evidence of repeated faulting. This may reflect a non-contemporaneity of the diverse successions or a segmentation of the basin margin. Comparisons are also made with deep-water, turbidite-fan systems in northwestern parts of the Timan-Varanger Belt, on the Rybachi and Varanger Peninsulas. The lateral differences in sedimentary facies in these areas, seen in relation to the situation in Timan and Kanin, do, in fact, suggest that the 1800 km long Timanian Basin margin may have been segmented, and possibly into sub-basinal domains.