ESR‐measurement of oxygen radicals in vivo after renal ischaemia in the rabbit. Effects of pre‐treatment with superoxide dismutase and heparin

The effects of intracellular and extraceIlular superoxide dismutase and heparin administration on oxygen radical formation after ischaemia in the rabbit kidney were studied. Radicals were measured with ESR and spin trapping. At reperfusion after 60 min of renal ischaemia there was a significant increase in the production of free radicals in the venous effluent from the kidney. Administration of either intracellular superoxide dismutase or extracellular superoxide dismutase before ischaemia and before reperfusion prevented approximately 85 % of the radical formation seen in the untreated control group. Administration of heparin 5 min before recirculation resulted in a 65% decrease in radical production compared to the control group.