KLedges in x-ray-absorption spectra of third-period atoms: Si, P, S, and Cl

A systematic investigation of double-electron KL-edge resonances in x-ray-absorption spectra of third-period atoms (Si, P, S, and Cl) is presented. Experimental data on NaH2 PO4, Graham’s salts (Na2O:P2 O5), Na4 P2 O7, elemental S, Na2 SO3, K2 SO4, CuSO4, Na2 S2 O3, Na2 S2 O6, NaClO2, NaClO3, and NH4 ClO4 are reported and discussed in combination with previous measurements at the Si KL edge of SiX4, (X=H,CH3,Br,Cl,F) molecules. The further comparison of these results with KL-edge structures in Ne and Ar provides an almost complete overview of these excitations for third-period atoms. A compilation of energies and oscillator strengths for the dominant resonances is reported and the main trends of energy splitting, intensity, and energy position versus oxidation state and Z number are discussed.