Entrance in mitosis of adult cardiomyocytes in ischemic pig hearts after plasmid-mediated rhVEGF165 gene transfer

Replacement of the cell loss occurring after acute myocardial infarction has been proposed as a potential treatment to prevent heart remodeling and failure. On account that cardiomyocytes express VEGF receptors and that VEGF triggers mitogen-activated protein kinases, we investigated if VEGF gene transfer may induce cardiomyocyte replication. In a pig model of chronic myocardial ischemia achieved by Ameroid occlusion of the left circumflex coronary artery, we observed that direct intramyocardial injection of a plasmid encoding human VEGF165 induced a several-fold increase in cardiomyocyte mitotic index and in the number of cardiomyocyte nuclei per unit volume as compared with pigs receiving plasmid devoid of gene. Despite images of conventional cytokinesis were not observed, the fact that caryokinesis is an obligatory step for cell division suggests that our finding may contribute to the issue of heart regeneration and may potentially widen the therapeutic spectrum of VEGF gene transfer.