Radioimmunoassay of Cationic Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity in Man

The preparation of human cationic trypsin and of a stable and fully immunoreactive 125I-labeled tosyl-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK) cationic trypsin by a modified chloramine-T method with a high specific radioactivity is described; the production of an avid and specific rabbit cationic trypsin antiserum; and a sensitive, precise and specific radioimmunoassay method enabling measurements of fasting serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity (CTLI) in the low ng/ml range in normals; the significant rise is serum CTLI in patients with normal pancreatic exocrine secretion; and the absence of any rise in patients with severely reduced pancreatic exocrine secretion after i.v. injection of secretin; a markedly elevated fasting serum CTLI level in patients with acute pancreatitis; fasting CTLI in duodenal juice; and separation of CTLI in 1 minor and 1 major molecular component in fasting serum.