Urodynamic Evaluation of Patients After the Camey Operation

Ten patients were evaluated urodynamically 3 to 18 months after they underwent the Camey operation. Of these patients 2 had total diurnal and nocturnal continence, 1 was totally incontinent and 6 were incontinent to various degrees that necessitated the use of 1 to 3 pads or diapers per day. All but 2 of the Camey neobladders had cystoplasty contractions at a capacit of 50 to 200 ml. The 2 totally continent patients had no cystoplasty contractions. The bladder in the totally incontinent patient had good capacity, good compliance and low pressure contractions up to a volume of 400 ml. The condition in this patient may be attributed to sphincteric incontinence. Urinary flow is achieved by abdominal straining and is interrupted. Vesicoureteral reflux occurred in 3 of 20 renal units.