Pulmonary Tuberculosis Resulting from Extra-Familial Contacts

Two cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were reported in a community of 4000 persons. Both cases were [female][female] aged 16 and 18 and were the only young persons in their respective homes. Mem- bers of both families were negative for tuberculosis and no history of tuberculosis could be demonstrated as far back as the families could recall. Although both households used raw milk from tuberculin-tested cattle, the milk supply was obtained from different dairies. The epidemiological data seemed to point to a school teacher (an arrested case) as being a possible source of infection. Later 2 more cases developed in young girls and investigation showed a common source of infection was a fellow church member. The school teacher originally thought to be the source of infection was thus eliminated from suspicion.[long dash]Failure to find a source of infection within a household should not preclude attempt at finding the source case.

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