Androgen and Estrogen Metabolism in Male Rhesus Monkeys*

Using constant infusions of 3H-labeled androgens and 14C-labeled estrogens, the dynamics of androgen and estrogen metabolism have been studied in male rhesus monkeys The mean (±SE) MCR, as measured in whole blood, for testosterone (T; 140± 10 liters/day) was significantly smaller than the CRs for androstenedione (A), estrone (E,), and estradiol (E2; 650 ± 8, 1010 ± 160, and 500 ± 20 liters/day, respectively). These indings are compatible with the specific globulin binding of T in this species. The mean blood productions were 0.42 ±0.11 and 0.55 0.04 mg/day for A and T and 40 ± 16 and 13 ±1 fig/day for Ei and E2, respectively. The interconversions of the androgens fractional conversion rates of A to T ([ρ]BABT) and T to A ([ρ]BT BA)] were not different but were lower than the interconversions of the estrogens ([ρ] BE1BE2 and [ρ]BE1 BE2)-The mean [ρ]BA1 BE1 and [ρ]BT BE2 values were 0.015 ±0.001 and 0.0024 ±0.0003, which are remarkably similar to those alues in men. Administration of PMS gonadotropin did not alter any measured values of androgen or estrogen metabolism. hCG resulted increase in the conversion ratio of A to T, T administration increased the MCR of T, and estrogen administration resulted in no hanges. The aromatization rate remained unaffected by all treatments