Mucolytic Enzyme Systems

Significant increase in the serum level of hyaluronidase inhibitor was produced in rabbits subjected to Arthus reaction, serum sickness, Shwartzman reactions, chemical necrosis of tissue, deep X-irradiation, and cold stress. Increase in the inhibitor level also occurred in rats subjected to a single cold stress, repeated cold stress, and treatment with epinephrine, cortisone or adrenocorticotropin (ACTH). Hypophysectomized rats showed subonormal levels of the serum inhibitor which returned toward normal upon treatment with small doses of ACTH. Monkeys treated with cortisone showed an increase in the serum concn. of hyaluronidase inhibitor. Elevations in the inhibitor following cold stress did not occur in adrenalectomized rats. Hypoglycemic children treated with moderate doses of ACTH showed a significant increase in their otherwise normal levels of the serum inhibitor in contrast to the previously reported decrease of the high levels in rheumatic patients after ACTH therapy. The data may be interpreted as indicative of a possible adrenal cortical regulatory effect on the serum level of the nonspecific hyaluronidase inhibitor.