Collective band structures in the odd-proton nuclei135,137Pm

Collective bands based on a low-K πh11/2 orbital have been populated to high spins in the odd-proton nuclei 135,137Pm following the reactions Sn116 (24Mg,p4n)135Pm and Cd114 (27Al,4n)137Pm, respectively. Both nuclei exhibit a band crossing in the πh11/2 band at a frequency of ħω∼0.42 MeV. In Pm135, an upbend is observed, while a weaker interaction backbend is observed in Pm137. Cranked-shell model calculations, including triaxiality, imply that this crossing is due to the alignment of the second and third valence h11/2 protons. The systematics of this alignment in the Pm isotopes will be discussed. In addition, positive parity three-quasiproton states were observed in both nuclei. These structures also contain a pair of aligned h11/2 protons, in this case the first and second valence protons which align at a much lower frequency of ħω∼0.28 MeV.