Renal cell carcinoma producing α‐fetoprotein (AFP) with a unique lectins‐affinity profile

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) producing α‐fetoprotein (AFP) is a rare entity and merely 7 cases have been reported so far. The present case, a 71‐year‐old woman, showed a high serum AFP level of 204 ng/ml. The RCC of the autopsied right kidney consisted mainly of spindle‐shaped or bizarre sarco‐matous tumor cells. AFP was immunolocalized only in the concomitant clear cell component. Concanavalin A (Con A)‐nonadsorption rate of serum AFP was 42%, which was an intermediate value between those of yolk sac tumors and metastatic liver carcinomas. Lens culinalis agglutinin (LCA)‐affinity study of the patient's AFP showed an unknown peak X, which was eluted between the known peaks 2 and 3. These results suggest a certain structural alteration in carbohydrate moieties of the AFP derived from this RCC. A review of the clincopathologic features of 8 patients with AFP‐producing RCC was made to understand the pathophysiology of AFP‐producing neoplasms. © Wiley‐Liss, Inc.