Metal-insulator transition in perovskite oxides: Tunneling experiments

In this paper we have investigated the composition-driven metal-insulator (MI) transitions in two ABO3 classes of perovskite oxides (LaNix Co1x O3 and Nax Tay W1y O3) in the composition range close to the critical region by using the tunneling technique. Two types of junctions (point-contact and planar) have been used for the investigation covering the temperature range 0.4 KTG(V) [=dI/dV] decreases near the zero-bias region as the MI transition is approached. However, there is a fairly strong thermal-smearing effect near the zero-bias region for ‖VkBT/e. $G(V)— has been found to follow a power law of the type G(V)=G0(1+{‖V‖/V* }n) with V*=const and with n=0.5 for samples in the weak-localization region. However, as the critical region of the MI transition is approached G0→0 and n→1. We also find that for samples lying in the weak-localization region Δ=eV* has a well-defined dependence on σ0, the zero-temperature conductivity. The observed behavior can be explained either as a manifestation of depletion of density of states at the Fermi level as the MI transition is approached or as a manifestation of strong inelastic scattering in the junction region.