Characterisation of four merkel cell carcinoma adherent cell lines

We have previously described the establishment of a number of cell lines from Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), also known as small cell cancer of the skin or neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin. These cells, all of which grew as suspension cultures, were found to resemble small cell lung cancer (SCLC) lines types 1, 2 and 3 by their morphology and growth characteristics. We now report 4 more MCC cell lines which resemble the SCLC type 4 cell lines in that they grow as adherent monolayers. These MCC lines would belong to the variant subgroup as they no longer express most neuroendocrine markers, grow at low cell density and have population doubling times of 1–5 days in contrast to the MCC suspension lines which have doubling times of 6–12 days. MCC 14/1 and MCC 14/2 were established from the same metastatic node and would appear to represent 2 clones of the tumour which differ in morphology, histochemical markers and DNA content. We present details of the morphology, DNA content and immunohistochemistry of these 4 lines and com‐pare their growth patterns with those of SCLC and MCC lines which grow in suspension.