The evolution of the apical meristem of Sinapis alba L. (long-day plant) is described in various photoperiodic conditions realized in the dark rooms of the Liège phytotron. In long days, the apex remains vegetative during 9–12 days after sowing. Its cyto-histological structure is typical. Three zones are distinguishable: a) a peripheral zone in which the cells possess the most dedifferentiated characters and in which mitoses are numerous; b) a central zone considerably less meristematic and less active; c) a pith-rib meristem. The 10–12th day, the mitotic activity increases and is distributed more homogeneously throughout the apex. The vegetative zonation partially fades away. It is the prefloral stage. The next day, the floral phase begins. The zonation and the functioning of the inflorescence apex resemble to some extent those described in the vegetative apex. Several profound differences however allow to separate these two types of functioning. In short days, the apex indefinitely remains vegetative but progressively acquires a particular structure: the central corpus becomes more and more stratified as well as the pith-rib meristem. This apical structuration has been termed following LANCE (1958): the intermediate state. Plants cultivated during 60 days in short days have reached this intermediate state. When they are transferred to long days, the first apical modifications already appear the next day and the intermediate state is rapidly transformed in prefloral state. The apex initiates the first floral buds three days after the transfer. These observations are discussed in relation to the fact that plants cultivated in short days and which have not yet reached the intermediate state react more slowly to the same transfer. It appears that the aptitude of the plant to react immediately in response to an inductive treatment is thus linked with the complete establishment of the intermediate state. Other essential differences have been found between the plants cultivated in short days and those cultivated in long days: a) in 8- hour days, the periclinal mitoses of foliar initiation occur in the third cellular layer while, in 16- hour days, these divisions are seen in the sub-epidermal layer; b) the plastochron length is 2.7 days in 8- hour days while, in 16- hour days, it is 1.1 day. The literature concerning the apical functioning is discussed.