The asymmetric radio remnant of SN 1987A

We present seven years of radio observations of SN 1987A made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. At 1.4, 2.4, 4.8 and 8.6 GHz, the flux density of the radio remnant has increased monotonically since emission was redetected 1200 days after the explosion. On day 3200, the remnant was expanding at 2800 +/- 400 km/s, which we interpret as indicating significant deceleration of the fastest moving ejecta. Since day 1787 the spectral index has remained constant at alpha = -0.95 +/- 0.04. These observations are all consistent with the shock having encountered a denser, shocked, component of the progenitor's stellar wind. At the current rate of expansion, the shock is expected to encounter the inner optical ring in the year 2006 +/- 3. Using super-resolution, we have also obtained 9 GHz images of the remnant (resolution approx 0".5) at four epochs. The emission is distributed around the rim of a near-circular shell, but has become increasingly asymmetric with time. There are two "hotspots" to the east and west, aligned along the major axis of the optical ring. This morphology is most likely indicative of an axisymmetric circumstellar medium into which the shock is expanding, consistent with present understanding of the progenitor star and its environment.