Clinical and Molecular Characterization of a Brazilian Patient with Pit-1 Deficiency

We studied a 14 year-old girl with extreme short stature (-9.5 SDS), normal psychomotor development and signs of progressive hypothyroidism. Basal IGF-I and T4 were low. Serum GH was low after insulin-induced hypoglycemia and GH-releasing hormone administration. Both TSH and prolactin were low and did not rise after TRH administration. Gonadotropins were normal and cortisol levels were elevated. In contrast, DHEA-S levels were low and she did not develop pubic hair until 26 years of age, compatible with deficiency of a putative pituitary adrenal androgen stimulating hormone. Pituitary size was reduced on magnetic resonance imaging. Sequencing of the Pit-1 gene revealed a heterozygous C to T transition in codon 271 resulting in substitution of tryptophane for a highly conserved arginine. Her parents were homozygous normal for this locus indicating a de novo mutation with dominant expression. Genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity of patients with Pit-1 gene mutations, particularly the R271W mutation, may reveal further information about the nature of genetic silencing, imprinting, and epigenetic inheritance. The relationship of Pit-1 deficiency to abnormal adrenal secretion remains to be elucidated.