Cell-specific variations and hormonal regulation of immunoreactive cytochrome P-450scc in the rat ovary

Specific rabbit antibodies to the bovine cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P-450 (P-450scc) were used to cross-react with the enzyme in the rat ovary. The luteal cells of cyclic, pregnant, and pseudopregnant rats were immunostained. P-450scc was also expressed in the interstitial cells of prepubertal and cyclic adult rats, and in the thecal cells lining the preovulatory follicles. In cyclic females, RU 486 and oestradiol increased the intensity of P-450scc immunostaining. The granulosa cells of ovarian follicles whatever their stage of development, including preovulatory follicles, were not labelled, except after ovulation. The intensity of immunostaining of thecal and interstitial cells decreased during early pregnancy or pseudopregnancy, and disappeared after Day 9, whereas these cells were intensely labelled 24 h after parturition. The immunostaining of thecal and interstitial cells was again detected in 18-day pregnant rats, treated with the antiprogesterone RU 486. It is therefore concluded that both oestradiol and progesterone are involved in P-450scc regulation.