The role of propranolol in congestive gastropathy of portal hypertension

Heavy diffuse bleeding from congested gastric mucosa (congestive gastropathy) was treated by propranolol (dose = 24 to 480 mg per day) in 14 consecutive patients with portal hypertension. Thirteen patients (93%) stopped bleeding within 3 days. Gastric mucosal cherry red spots (a sign of severe gastropathy) were unchanged in 5 patients, became less obvious in 4 and appearances returned to normal in 5. Propranolol was discontinued electively in seven patients after 2 to 6 months; four of these patients rebled from the same lesion and stopped bleeding when propranolol was recommenced. No patient has rebled from congestive gastropathy while receiving propranolol during follow-up of 12 to 42 (median = 23) months. A further 24 patients with nonbleeding congestive gastropathy received 160 mg long-acting propranolol per day in a double-blind placebo controlled cross-over trial. Twenty-two patients completed the study; in nine patients, endoscopic grading of congestive gastropathy improved after propranolol compared to three after placebo (p < 0.05). Although the mechanism of action is not understood, propranolol appears to have a clinically significant role in the management of nonvariceal gastric bleeding in portal hypertension.