Optimization of a circular piezoelectric bimorph for a micropump driver

Piezoelectric bimorph actuation has been successfully used in numerous types of microdevices, most notably micropumps. However, even for the simple case of circular geometry, analytical treatments are severely limited. This study utilized the finite-element method to optimize the deflection of a circular bimorph consisting of a single piezoelectric actuator, bonding material and elastic plate of finite dimensions. Optimum actuator dimensions were determined for given plate dimensions, actuator-to-plate stiffness ratio and bonding layer thickness. Dimensional analysis was used to present the results for fixed- and pinned-edge conditions in a generalized form for use as a design tool. For an optimally-thick actuator, the optimum actuator-to-plate radius ratio ranged from 0.81 to 1.0, and was independent of the Young's modulus ratio. For thin plates, a bonding layer minimally affected the optimum dimensions. The optimized actuator dimensions based on a model of an actual device were within 13% of the fixed-edge condition.