Health locus of control, gender differences and adjustment to persistent pain

Factorially replicated in our sample. Three unique MHLC profile clusters were identified for both males and females. Among men, cluster assignment was related to age only. The younger male patients reported a stronger internal attributional style. Older male patients relied more heavily on both chance and powerful other factors. Among women, cluster assignment was related to the use of coping strategies. For example, patients with high internal scores only, reflecting a strong internal orientation towards self-management of health care needs, were more likely to utilize Information-Seeking, Self-Blame, and Threat Minimization coping strategies than patients with high scores on both the Internal and Powerful Other factors. It appears that the presence of both Internal and Powerful Other health attributional styles is associated with less frequent use of cognitive self-management techniques. In understanding the LOC scores it is important to rely on pattern analysis of scores. Implications for clinical treatment are discussed. ∗Correspondence to: Dr. S.P. Buckelew, Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 501 Rusk Rehabilitation Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65212, U.S.A. Submitted October 31, 1989; revised February 26, 1990; accepted March 7, 1990. ☆ Portions of this paper are being presented at the American Pain Society Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, in October 1989. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers....