High-Frequency Limit of 15.1-MeV Bremsstrahlung

The 15.1-MeV scattering resonance in carbon is used to study the yield of photons at the high-frequency limit of the bremsstrahlung spectrum. A survey of the yield at 0° was carried out for several elements. The 0° yield at the limit increases strongly with the atomic number in agreement with recent calculations. Measurements of the 15.1-MeV isochromats from a thin thorium (Z=90) target for several angles are presented and compared with available calculations. A value of 1.61±0.16 mb is obtained for (kZ2)(dσdk), the cross section integrated over angle. This is in reasonable agreement with theoretical values of 1.96 mb based on the inverse photoeffect and 1.74 mb as obtained from a direct evaluation of the bremsstrahlung matrix element in the extreme relativistic limit.