Semiconducting Properties ofMg2Ge Single Crystals

Single crystals of Mg2Ge have been obtained from melts of the constituents, and Hall effect and electrical resistivity measurements have been made from 77°K to 1000°K. Undoped crystals were n-type and had saturated impurity carrier concentration as low as 3×1015 cm3; silver-doped crystals were p-type and had saturated impurity carrier concentrations roughly proportional to the amount of added silver. The room-temperature Hall mobilities were observed to be 280 cm2/volt-sec for electrons and 110 cm2/volt-sec for holes. The hole mobility observed in the extrinsic region (120°K to 350°K) of the highest purity p-type sample and the mobility difference observed in the intrinsic region (350°K to 700°K) of the n-type samples varied with temperature as T2.0. The mobility difference was found to decrease faster than T2.0 above 700°K. The width of the energy gap at absolute zero, as determined from the temperature dependence of both the resistivity and the Hall effect in the intrinsic region, was 0.69±0.01 ev.