Efficient Extraction of Viral DNA and Viral RNA by the Chemagic Viral DNA/RNA Kit Allows Sensitive Detection of Cytomegalovirus, Hepatitis B Virus, and Hepatitis G Virus by PCR

The Chemagic Viral DNA/RNA kit was evaluated for extraction of cytomegalovirus (CMV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis G virus (HGV) by using the QIAamp DNA Blood Mini kit and the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini kit as reference protocols. The extraction efficiencies of the different kits for CMV DNA and HBV DNA were not distinguishable, but the extraction efficiency for HGV RNA was better with the Chemagen protocol. All clinical specimens tested HBV DNA- or HGV RNA-positive after QIAGEN protocols for extraction were confirmed by using the Chemagen protocol. The Chemagen kit failed to confirm one of 75 CMV DNA-positive specimens. Thus, a new competitive extraction method using a technology with a high potential for automation is available.