Steering data streams in distributed computational laboratories

This research supports the interactive access to large-scale scientific data by creation of active user interfaces (AUIs). An AUI continuously emits events describing its current information needs, based on which methods may be developed for controlling the potentially immense information streams directed at the interface. More precisely the purposes of stream control are twofold. First, stream control is performed to deal with heterogeneity in underlying systems, where low end displays may receive only small portions of the data shown at high end displays. Second, stream control is used to achieve scalability with respect to the size and complexity of data streams directed at a user interface, by filtering the data stream and by offloading certain computations from the AUI to the information generators or to information routing sites, by dynamically migrating such computations to appropriate locations, and by adapting these computations in order to effect tradeoffs in the amount of data moved across network links vs. the computations required.

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