Ecological tannin assays

Estimations of condensed tannin content are generally based on calibration standard curves from Quebracho condensed tannins. We generated calibration standard curves from eight Sonoran Desert species for comparison with estimates of tannin concentrations derived from the Quebracho standard curve. Estimates of leaf tannin concentrations of each of the eight species using each species standard curve differed significantly with the estimates given by the Quebracho standard curve. Standard curves constructed from tannins from different individuals of three of the species varied significantly between, but not within, species. The efficiency of precipitation of protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) by each different tannin varied up to a factor of fifty for tannins of different species. Ordering species from highest to lowest based on tannin concentrations or binding efficiencies gave two different ranks. We argue that concentration or efficiency alone do not describe adequately tannin ecological activity. Instead, we suggest combining tannin concentrations and binding efficiencies to measure the protein precipitating potential of a leaf. Leaf protein precipitating potential is a more ecologically realistic parameter, we feel, for between-species comparisons than tannin content or binding efficiencies alone.