Jahn-Teller Effects in the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ofCu++in Ca(OH)2

The EPR spectra of Cu++ present as an impurity in haxagonal Ca(OH)2 has been investigated in the temperature range 85-380°K. Below 145°K, the EPR spectra, I, show a "static" Jahn-Teller effect (JTE) with gII=2.421, g=2.079, A65=142±1 G, A63=132±1 G, B65=B63=0±3 G. Above 145°K, the spectrum, III, is due to the "dynamic" JTE with gII=2.241, g=2.172, A=48 G and B=37 G. These values for III are almost exact averages of the corresponding values for I when the latter executes hindered rotation about the hexagonal c axis. Further support for this interpretation is provided by the studies of peak-height dependence on temperature for both the static and dynamic spectra.

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