An Outcome Evaluation Instrument for Alcohol Education, Prevention, and Intervention Programs

This study introduces an evaluation instrument entitled, Alcohol Education Evaluation Instrument (AEEI). It is used for outcome evaluation in assessing the effectiveness of various alcohol education, prevention, and intervention programs aimed at deterring teenage alcohol abuse. The instrument is theoretically based. It measures the common objectives of various primary prevention and intervention programs designed to bring about behavioral, intentional, attitudinal, and informational changes. A composite alcohol attitude scale incorporated in the AEEI has shown R = .823 in explaining alcohol involvement among students in grades four through six. Additional properties of the attitudinal scale are obtained through a varimax-rotated factor analytic solution. The mean Cronbach Alpha coefficient of reliability pertaining to the attitudinal scales employed in the AEEI is .923. Criterion-related validity of the scales is established through a known-group method. The groups identified are the current and noncurrent users of alcohol.