Modification of the pitch of chiral nematic liquid crystals by means of photoisomerization of chiral dopants

New photoisomerizable chiral dopants have been studied. The dopants used were menthone derivatives, a chiral stilbene derivative and a nematic copolymer of a menthone derivative and a benzoyloxybenzonitrile derivative. NMR, HPLC and UV results showed that the E-Z-isomerization of all the compounds indicated proceeded rapidly upon UV exposure, without the formation of undesired by-products. Isomerization of the menthone derivatives, including the copolymer, induced a substantial decrease in the helical twisting power. The changes in helical twisting power induced by the isomerization of the chiral stilbene derivative were limited to a factor of 2. In mixtures of the photoisomerizable dopants with commercial dopants of opposite twisting senses and a nematic host mixture, the sign of the twisting sense could be reversed by illuminating the mixture with UV light. The viewing angle dependence of irradiated regions of a 90 -twisted nematic cell was rotated 90 with respect to the viewing angle dependence of the non-irradiated regions. It is expected that this approach may be useful in the preparation of dual domain TN cells with a reduced viewing angle dependence.