The plasma membrane permeabilization obtained by exposure of hepatocytes to digitonin is utilized in the so-called digitonin-pulse perfusion of rat liver (Quistorff and Grunnet 1987). Brief pulses of digitonin applied with antegrade and retrograde perfusion of the liver caused selective elution of cytosolic enzymes and metabolites from the periportal and the perivenous zone of the same liver. In the present study a light microscopical examination of the liver fixed immediately after the digitonin pulse confirmed the very high zonal selectivity of the method inferred from the marker enzyme pattern of the eluates: Only cells around the port of entry of digitonin were affected and the borderline between affected and non-affected cells was always sharp. The typical periportal lesion was triangular in shape, enclosing the portal space, while the perivenous lesion was roughly circular, concentric with the hepatic vein. Assuming that the digitonin lesion reflects the microcirculatory flow pattern these findings seem to be at variance with the acinar model of Rappaport (Rappaport et al. 1954). The lesion in the lobuli near the surface of the liver as reflected by the discoloration pattern observed on the surface was the same as the lesion of deeper lobuli. The conducting vessels of the liver were only insignificantly affected by digitonin. At the cellular level only the sinusoidal luminal surface of the hepatocytes was affected. The cytoplasmic matrix of the cells including glycogen appeared thinned. All cell types of the liver parenchyma seemed to be equally affected by the digitonin treatment.