Computations and Parameterizations of the Nonlinear Energy Transfer in a Gravity-Wave Specturm. Part II: Parameterizations of the Nonlinear Energy Transfer for Application in Wave Models
Four different parameterizations of the nonlinear energy transfer Snl in a surface wave spectrum are in investigated. Two parameterizations are based on a relatively small number of parameters and are useful primarily for application in parametrical or hybrid wave models. In the first parameterization, shape-distortion parameters are introduced to relate the distribution Snl for different values of the peak-enhancement parameter γ. The second parameterization is based on an EOF expansion of a set of Snl computed for a number of different spectral distributions. The remaining two parameterizations represent operator forms that contain the same number of free parameters as used to describe he wave spectrum. Such parameterizations with a matched number of input and output parameters are required for numerical stability in high-resolution discrete spectral models. A cubic, fourth-order diffusion-operator expression derived by a local-interaction expansion is found to be useful for understanding many ... Abstract Four different parameterizations of the nonlinear energy transfer Snl in a surface wave spectrum are in investigated. Two parameterizations are based on a relatively small number of parameters and are useful primarily for application in parametrical or hybrid wave models. In the first parameterization, shape-distortion parameters are introduced to relate the distribution Snl for different values of the peak-enhancement parameter γ. The second parameterization is based on an EOF expansion of a set of Snl computed for a number of different spectral distributions. The remaining two parameterizations represent operator forms that contain the same number of free parameters as used to describe he wave spectrum. Such parameterizations with a matched number of input and output parameters are required for numerical stability in high-resolution discrete spectral models. A cubic, fourth-order diffusion-operator expression derived by a local-interaction expansion is found to be useful for understanding many ...