Surgical Aspects of Thyroiditis

Reports from various centers indicate that Hashimoto thyroiditis is increasing in frequency.9,15,17 There are two schools of thought regarding its treatment, and willingness to use medical treatment depends on confidence in the accuracy of the diagnosis. We have undertaken a study of 1,000 consecutive operations done for nontoxic goiter in an attempt to determine (1) the degree of diagnostic accuracy in current surgical practice; (2) the indications or contraindications for surgical treatment of thyroiditis, and (3) how increasing knowledge of the natural history of Hashimoto thyroiditis may alter some current methods of management. The series of operations was obtained from the files of the U.C.L.A. Medical Center and from two accredited private hospitals near the Medical Center, St. John's and Santa Monica hospitals. All cases of toxic diffuse goiter have been excluded from this study because the ubiquitous lymphoid accumulations accompanying Graves' disease are interpreted by some pathologists as

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