Intestinal absorption of dinitrophenyl-lysine and effect of immunization with dinitrophenylated bovine serum albumin.

The intestinal absorption of dinitrophenyllysine (DNP-lys) was studied with a special interest in the role of the immune system in the absorption of small molecules which are recognized as nonself. [3H]-DNP-lys was rapidly absorbed by ligated intestinal loops in situ via a saturable and unique route. When [3H]-DNP-lys was preincubated with the immune serum obtained from rats immunized with dinitrophenylated bovine serum albumin (DNP-BSA), the [3H]-DNP-lys absorption was depressed. The absorption of [3H]-DNP-lys in DNP-BSA-immunized rats was depressed compared to the control. The immune system apparently plays a role in avoiding the absorption of small molecules with antigenicity.