Characterization of a Capillary Zone Electrophoresis/Electrospray-Mass Spectrometry Interface

A dependable and stable CZE/ESI-MS interface has been constructed. To avoid instabilities in both, the capillary electrophoretic separation and the electrospray, the second of the three concentric capillaries in the three-layered sprayer has been replaced by an aluminum-coated fused-silica capillary with an inner diameter only slightly greater than the outer diameter of the separation capillary. By this means, the otherwise often observed destruction of the separation capillary (“electrodrilling”) can be avoided completely due to the suppression of electrochemical processes leading to gas bubble formation at the tip of the sprayer. With some examples taken from different biochemical areas and by separation of natural compounds, the capability and the reliability of the modified sprayer as the central part of the interface are demonstrated.