Piezospectroscopy of the Raman spectrum ofα-quartz

The first-order Raman spectrum of α-quartz, consisting of four totally symmetric A1 lines, four E lines with "unresolved" LO-TO components, and four LO-TO split E doublets, have been investigated under uniaxial stress. A compressive force F was applied along the trigonal axis z^, along the binary axis x^, or along z^=(12)(y^+z^). All splittings and/or shifts were found to be linear in stress and hence describable in terms of a linear-deformation-potential theory. From measurements using these three force directions the two deformation-potential constants characterizing each A1 and the four constants characterizing each E line have been deduced. The extreme sharpness of the 128-cm1 E line at liquid-helium temperature allowed a Fabry-Perot interferometer to be used in the study of its behavior. The LO-TO splittings of the E lines at 263, 695, and 1160 cm1 were measured to be 1.25 ± 0.09, 2.39 ± 0.10, and -3.02 ± 0.45 cm1, respectively, for the phonon wave vector, q along y^; the LO-TO splittings are comparable to the observed linewidths at liquid-helium temperature and were deduced from the zero-stress intercepts of the least-squares fits characterizing the stress dependence of the components. The LO-TO splittings of the 695- and 1160-cm1 lines were just resolved at liquid-helium temperature for qy^. The LO-TO splittings calculated from the reststrahlen spectra for all eight E lines are in satisfactory agreement with those measured in the present Raman study, even as to the unusual negative sign for the splitting of the 1160-cm1 line.