Candidate gene identification of an aluminum-activated organic acid transporter gene at the Alt4 locus for aluminum tolerance in rye (Secale cereale L.)

Among cereal crops, rye is one of the most tolerant species to aluminum. A candidate gene approach was used to determine the likely molecular identity of an Al tolerance locus (Alt4). Using PCR primers designed from a wheat aluminum tolerance gene encoding an aluminum-activated malate transporter (TaALMT1), a rye gene (ScALMT1) was amplified, cloned and sequenced. Subsequently, the ScALMT1 gene of rye was found to be located on 7RS by PCR amplification using the wheat–rye addition lines. SNP polymorphisms for this gene were detected among the parents of three F2 populations that segregate for the Alt4 locus. A map of the rye chromosome 7R, including the Alt4 locus ScALMT1 and several molecular markers, was constructed showing a complete co-segregation between Alt4 and ScALMT1. Furthermore, expression experiments were carried out to clarify the function of this candidate gene. Briefly, the ScALMT1 gene was found to be primarily expressed in the root apex and upregulated when aluminum was present in the medium. Five-fold differences in the expression were found between the Al tolerant and the Al non-tolerant genotypes. Additionally, much higher expression was detected in the rye genotypes than the moderately tolerant “Chinese Spring” wheat cultivar. These results suggest that the Alt4 locus encodes an aluminum-activated organic acid transporter gene that could be utilized to increase Al tolerance in Al sensitive plant species. Finally, TaALMT1 homologous sequences were identified in different grasses and in the dicotyledonous plant Phaseolus vulgaris. Our data support the hypothesis of the existence of a common mechanism of Al tolerance encoded by a gene located in the homoeologous group four of cereals.