On the functional derivative of the kinetic energy density functional

The functional derivative of the kinetic energy Ts] of a noninteracting system of particles with density ρ=ρ is evaluated in terms of the Kohn–Sham spin orbital densities ρiσ and Lagrange multipliers εiσ(σ=↑ or ↓). Of particular interest is the functional derivative of TΔ] =Ts]−Tw], where Tw] is the Weizsäcker kinetic energy functional: δTΔ]/δρσ =(1/8ρσ){JNσi=1[(∇ρiσ ⋅ ∇ρiσ)/ρiσ −(∇ρσ ⋅ ∇ρσ)/ρσ]} −(1/ρσ)(JNσi=1 εiσρiσ −μσρσ). This quantity is used to analyze the approximate kinetic energy density functional proposed by Acharya et al.

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