Factorial dimensions of the Revised Behavior Problem Checklist: Replication and validation within a kindergarten sample

The factor structure of the Revised Behavior Problem Checklist (RBPC) was examined in a large sample of suburban kindergarten children. Teacher-rated dimensions of Conduct Disorder, Attention Problems-Immaturity, Anxiety-Withdrawal, and Psychotic Behavior were closely replicated, and a new factor labeled Unmotivated-Isolated was also revealed. These principal components were consistent across gender and across subsamples of children differing as to risk status for learning failure. Evidence was found for the divergent validity of the externalizing dimensions of Conduct Disorder and Attention Problems-Immaturity with respect to criterion measures of alternative behavior ratings, cognitive functioning, and academic achievement. Parent-rated components of Conduct Disorder, Attention Problems-Immaturity, Hyperactive-Impatient, Tense-Withdrawn, Anxiety, and Passive-Conforming were less clearly validated, and parent-teacher agreement was modest. It was concluded that the RBPC shows promise for the assessment of preschool-aged children and that narrow-band externalizing dimensions of inattentive versus conduct-disordered behavior are reasonably distinct at this age.